Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Baby step's.

If we look to far out we will miss the step we have to take in front of us. 

Today I got a chance to talk to talk to a great friend that is very close to my heart. We got onto the topic of not looking too far out in to the future because we are not living in the present. We try and figure out things out, but we never get one answer, yes something we have more peace than other times, but God’s not going to tell us, which means we have to trust and give up control. God is going to make it work either way, so why do we stress out so much? Because we want to be happy. But what makes us happy, why can’t we just find what makes us happy where we are.

When we look out too far, we miss the now. That means we are not taking care of what we need to take care of, now. We plateau or so it feels. We feel stuck. We aren’t taking time to be sad, mad, joyful, loving. We are so hyper focused on the FUTURE, if we don’t live in now, the future won’t be happy. We will be stuck in things we were supposed to be taking care of when it came up.

So how do we get stuck on these plateaus and this mud that won’t let us move? For me it’s when I come home and surrounded by people who bring me back to my past, all the memories, feelings and pain. People who pressure me to date and someone who says things like “Ashley, you had no idea what you were like when you were a kid, so don’t even tease…” This is upsetting because they didn’t even raise me, so who are they to tell me that I’m not good enough. As far as I know my father did one hell of a job raising three babies on his own. Who cares how I held my fork, or that we didn’t always wear a seat belt. I’m still here and I’m doing pretty freaking well.

All this stress about our future, mess our body up. Messes up your jaw, keeps you sick, makes you annoyed at things that shouldn’t annoy you, make you snap at people you need to love.

Why do we let something that is earthly and something that isn’t even healthy keep us down. Usually what we want isn’t going to work out the way we want it to and at first we kinda freak out but then we realize that it’s better than what we wanted. That’s giving up CONTROL and then realizing that when we do give it up, it gives God His chance to do what He needs to do.  

What do we have to do to get ourselves going back up the mountain? Being with the bible more, praying more, loving more, loving yourself no matter what, going to counseling, being put on an anti-depressant, being in contact with your family, making new friends outside your comfort zone, hanging out with the friends closest to your heart, traveling and realizing all that you have, not comparing yourself, telling yourself every morning that you are beautiful. What ever it is to make you climb that mountain again.

Take control and of how you feel. Be sad if you’re sad. Be mad if you’re mad. Say what you need to say.

Take baby steps so you don’t miss and fall by looking too far out to the future, or the past. LIVE in the NOW.