Sunday, December 18, 2011

My protector.

Just the idea of the how big the Lord our God is unbelievable. He is the universe maker, a star breathing God, and He made me in His image. 
My sister her husband and their two year old and 6 month old came from Philadelphia, after 16 hours of traveling and they finally arrived in Flagstaff. The joy of a child will always lighten up someone’s day. To have a child, that mainly sees you over skype, scream Auntie Ashley and run into your arms, is the best feeling of being known. 

The way that he takes care of me because I am his daughter blows my mind. The last couple of days God has been protecting me in many different ways. He knows what I do not need and what is more important than what I want. 

Today there was a time that Lila (the two year old) got scared and kept saying “daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, ect” she would not stop saying it until she was in the hands of her father, even if he was right in front of her, it wasn’t good enough. She also needed her daddy, when she got scared, embarrassed, excited, or just confused. Even when she was in the hands of her mother she would want for her daddy. This was her way of crying out, even if she wasn’t that scared or that confused or even that excited she just had this habit of calling out for her daddy. 

This is incredible, the fact that she feel so comfortable and so at home being in the arms of her father. When we are in the arms of our Father, we feel safe we feel comfortable, protected. 

Lila later was running and pushing her father away. She was exhausted, tired, beat down, hungry and out of her comfort zone. 

I think we do this a lot of the time. We get tired, we get caught up in the world, stuck in the distractions and pushed out of our comfort zone of being in our fathers arms. We push God way because something didn’t go our way, we are feeling pain and we don’t like pain so we run from the comforter of all things. We run from our protector. We want rest but we fight to push away from the one who wants to give us the rest. Why do we run from the one who feel most comfortable with, the one that will give us rest? Because we like to feel pain? Because feeling pain is not numb? If we just calmed down and looked at the situation and say that God is still holding us and if we stop fighting him he will hold us tightly against His chest.

When the Lord my God holds me tights when I’m scared, insecure, confused or excited He whispers in my ear “I love you daughter, we are going to make it, papa knows the way” over and over and over.

God says “when you come to me, come to me with all your junk, come to me with all your problems, come to me with all your screw ups. Let me take care of it.” 

Is anyone crying for help? God is listening, ready to rescue you. –Psalms 34:17
Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice. - Psalms 55:17
For He will rescue the poor who cry out and the afflicted who have no help. – Psalms 72:12

The Lord is our protector. Our refuge. Our strength

Today I went to The Grand Canyon with my family. How enormous is the Lord. We all know how big the Grand Canyon is. It is humbling. He paints us sun raises and sunsets. He promises and provides. A singing bird has not one note out of note. The fields of flowers are prettier than any women on her wedding day.

What is more beautiful is that we were created in HIS image. Meaning that we are perfect with His love. we have not no note out of tune, we are taken care of. 

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?”
 – Matthew 6:25-30

He promise and provides. He is out protector. The way He loves the Grand Canyon doesn’t even touch how much He loves each one of us.

He wants to hold you tight. Let Him hold you tight. He created you to be loved.

He takes care of you, forever and ever.