Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Who are the Hardest People to Love?

Why do we have the tendency to be so selfish? We are the most selfish when we are the most down, the most empty. It's a way of crying out. But being selfish only pushes people away which leads you to more emptiness and more down, which causes you to become more selfish and more careless.

So how do you know when you have hit rock bottom. What does it take for you to know that something has to change with in you. You can't keep blaming others, you've pushed them away. You can't keep wanting what ever you want, no one is going to want to be around you. You've been around selfish people, and they probably aren't your favorite people.

It is a vicious cycle. What does it ultimately come down to though. Selfishness comes down to the act of not loving anymore. You stop loving others and caring about others, because your eyes are on yourself, and hopefully you aren't in this cycle for to long or else you might loose everyone around you that really loves you, and is trying to stand by your side.

Being selfish is only going to lead you down into someone and something you don't want. You maybe hurting right now and not know where it is coming from or how it got there, but that doesn't mean you push the closest people to you away.

Selfishness isn't the end of life, it's the end of living. Say sorry, get the people you hurt back, care again. It is a want that you have lost, not a need. Go get them and put your hurt and your pain aside for a day and see what happens. I guarantee they will ask you how you are doing, how your day was, what today and tomorrow look like for you. I bet if you ask them first and actually care about the answer they will care about your answer to, not just to know what your doing, but because they care about you with all your heart. It just starts with one simple step, saying I'm sorry and actually meaning it, after that you'll know what to do.You may have to change this in side yourself, back to what you use to be, and that is okay.

Its not easy, have patience and grace.