Saturday, January 5, 2013

Want vs. Need

As humans I think one of the biggest mix up's we have is the understanding of what we want and what we need. What makes this mix up important is the attitude behind it all. A positive attitude or a negative one.

Think of it like this, "I want a cup of coffee," and "I need a cup of coffee". When we say I want a cup of coffee it is more postive and you enjoy it. When you say you need a cup of coffee, it is more negative and its not a desire but a grumpy mood.

So what do you do when you want and need the same thing? We will just keep the same example, What if you wake up and you need coffee and  you want coffee, well good news, that's a great thing. When we want and need the same thing, I personally think that it is a very healthy thing. Why is it good, becasue then you want what you are going to get. It is like needing a vacation and wanting a vacation and when you are wanting it, and your boss comes in and says "you need it get out of here, see you in a week". It makes the vaction so much better.

Or a lot of us need certain people in our lifes, they bring things to us, to make us happy, to feed us what ever it may be, but when we want them it makes that need so much better. Let's take parents for example. We need our parents for at least a good thirteen years, to help us grow up strong, smart, and mature. Then we grow up and we don't need them, we can drive after a couple of years, we can find a job, buy food, make food, and how to get by in life. But what is great is when we want them in our lives, to help us, to be a good influence, to have fun, to listen to stories, and we create a friendship when it turns to a want and then your parents are a good thing in your life.

What about relationships? In the beginning you want each other. You love what they wear, their smell, their touch. You want it all. Then you get married and get a house together and maybe some kids, now it has turned into a need. They need to be home to help you with the kids, they need to work so they can help with bills, and the want starts to dwindal.

So what is it that you need and want? If you need something or someone but don't want it or them, then maybe something needs to change. You should want what you have, and if you lost it, it would hurt.