Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Waiting Game

Have you ever played the waiting game? Where all you are doing is waiting around for everything. You wait for your spouse or your parents or your siblings to come home, you wait for dinner to be made, you wait for your friends to respond so you can hang out, you wait for the next vacation, you wait for the next job, you are waiting for everything. Time seems like it is not on your side at all, you feel more and more lonely the more you wait. You start to sleep in longer because you rather sleep then wait. That is where I am at right now.

I got out of school a little over two weeks now, and my summer job doesn't start for another two weeks.
I am in the waiting period. I don't have many real friends and the friends I do have here, most of them aren't real friends, so I wait for their responses for them to tell me that they have no time for me.
I wait for my parents and brother to get home so I'm not alone anymore.
I wait to see if my mom is going to cook dinner and by 8pm I'm staving I figure out that she is not making dinner but by that time I'm to tired to cook so I just don't eat.
I wait for my dad to tell me that he doesn't have that much work for me, so I go to work with him and just bored waiting to go home.
I wait to get a phone call from my best friend but end up not getting anything because she has a life and works and is too busy for me.
I wait to go swimming but I find that no one likes to go swimming if they have a pool.
I wait for my mom to come home so I can have the car so I can have some freedom.
I wait for text messages that never come back with a response.
I am waiting to get to my summer job, because I know I will have people around me and a purpose to my life.

But this waiting period sucks. This month seems like its not worth it. It seems like I have no purpose in life. I feel like a waste but I know I am not, I just have to wait.

But why do we have to wait? What are you waiting for? Why can't we find something we like and put it into a hobby and let time fly by instead of crawling by.  I have no hobbies right now. I'm bored and I'm uninterested in everything. It's a game, and I'm losing because I am waiting and I am not having fun.
Waiting sucks.