Thursday, May 23, 2013

That bug that always bugs you.

Do you have things in your life that bug you to no end. You think you have killed it and over come it but something or someone brings it back up. This bug for me is feeling worthless and unwanted.

Have you ever felt that way over and over? Even if people tell you over and over that they care about you and love you but something pulls you apart like time or distance or both. Over time without being told that they care about you, you almost start to forget and then that bug comes back and just eats at your heart.

What is your bug? Your self image, your looks, your shopping sprees, depression, jealousy, school and grades, relationships, failing, caring too much, ect... all these things we continue to struggle with and we go through seasons of them coming easy and other times are extremely hard. But I hope and I wish you have people around you that will help you and support you during these struggles. You have to remember that people can't read minds, so keep up with your communication.

Make this bug of your smaller than you think it is. Reassure yourself and love on the people around you. It will rub off and they will love you back. Don't think of yourself so harshly.