Monday, September 10, 2012

That one person...

Do you have that person in your life that you tend to hurt more than others, but it happens to be your best friend? The fights or arguments you may get in seem so hurtful, but in reality they just hurt us more because we realize what we have, and how much it would hurt if we lost what we had.

This person finishes my sentences and knows exactly how I'm feeling when I walk into the room. This person see's the little things and hears when I stutter and what that means. It is really the little things that I know I wouldn't be the same if I didn't have her. This person knows when you listen or when to talk. My favorite thing is that we can have silence and not feel pressured to talk because we are completely comforted just by being in the presence of each other. We can cry like babies, we can tell each other our deepest thoughts and maybe get embarrassed for a minute but an overwhelming feeling of peace because that smile they give you that says "it's okay, I'm your best friend". You feel safe around them. You can be completely goofy or completely serious and know that your only making memories whether they are good or bad they are still memories. You don't get embarrassed when you cry or they cry, you just walk over to them and wrap them in close and hold them. Certain things make you think about them, like a song or an old place you use to go. You dream up places where you want to go.

The amount of patience this person has for you and the willingness to fight for you and with you  feels like "what would I do without you, where would I be without you". But yet in life choices in random acts we may perform, we hurt them because they merely want the best for us. They get angry at you but only because they expect so much more from you, because you are better than what ever is hurting you or has hurt you. They hurt when you hurt.

They are a part of you.

They are like a father who watches you put sometime metal in the electrical socket and yells at you because they want you to learn and to know that it is not okay and can hurt you. But you give them a scared look of what did I do wrong because you didn't know better. You want the best for them and they want the best for you.

So why do we hurt them the most? When we push them away they continue to fight back and say "YOU are worth it!" Because they know that hurt and they look in your eyes and can see how you are really feeling and they know it is not personal, they know that it is just a part of friendship. They remember who you are to them and that they cannot loose you because of who you are to them. They come back because they know that smile you give them, that no one else can give, that overwhelming peace when your with them. We hurt them, when we don't mean to at all. We hurt them with our words and actions, but they know your heart and they choose to know better and they continue to fight for you and with you. We hurt them on accident, in our hurt we hurt them. We hurt because we are hurting and those best friends are the only people that will understand that, and they continue to fight for you.

They love you, even when you don't know how to say sorry, but they forgive you, even though it hurts. They love you and they are what you call your best friend.

Thank you for fighting for me, with me and the patience and grace that I may not deserve. I love you .