Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bright Burning Embers...

Have you heard the saying "You are the brightest crayon in the box"? I never really liked that saying because every color has it's own importance to it.

As I was camping at San Onofre with my group of kids for our four day camping trip, I was mesmerized. Listening to the stories, I saw that the burning embers from the log twinkled as the oxygen came and went from it. As I saw this, I thought that we all need certain things to make us the brightest we can be. For the embers it is oxygen; for us, it may be food and water to keep our bodies bright and healthy but for out souls we need the Trinity.

The Holy Spirit gives us the feelings, God created, and Jesus sacrificed, are somethings that keep us burning. Without these things we burn out and die. You no longer shine and we longer bring light to this darkness. But someone or something may come along and blow on you to give you some oxygen, until you get bright enough be one of the brighter embers. We all may a little extra oxygen to give us that little extra push, and it is usually when God steps in. He saves the day, you comes by and blows on us so that we re-light and can shine light into the darkness again.

We are all hot burning embers, how bright are you? Do you need a little more oxygen or are you shining so bright you give off fire and heat? Do you need a little more Holy Spirit, Jesus and God to bring you to a glowing ember? What do you need to be the brightest burning ember?