Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Empty Cup

Being off our terf, it tends to be easier to look at yourself and exmain. All the distractions are gone, all the excuses are not avalible, all the people we lean on are not there to depend on. It's just you and God.

Being out of our element lets us stand bare, gives us a chance to really see what we have and tells us what we need to change or bring in. It let's us stop and look at our life, it gives us a chance to regroup, put our head on our shoulders our feet underneath us.

Why is it that God has to prune us, he has to cut us down but leave our roots, because he wants us to regrow.

There is a story in the bible where Jesus truns water into wine (John 2: 1-11). They ran out of the best wine for the wedding and their cups were empty (our hearts are empty). And for Jesus to turn water into wine they had to hand over their empty cups and trust God that He is going to refill us. We have to go to God with our empty hearts and He will fill us.

He is going to prune us and it may hurt but we are going to regrow and bare new fruit.