Monday, March 18, 2013

What experience can bring you...

Life is about experience. Experience gives you understanding. Understanding give you love and compassion.

They say "You never know until you try it" I would agree with this statement.

We all grow up being told different things, what is right and what is wrong but what is fun in be told things. How care we sit there and say what is right and what is wrong when you don't know how it feels on the other side.

People grow up in church's. people grow up with parents who are racist. People grow up being told they are stupid or ugly, we believe these things, the things we are told.

And sometimes we are brave enough to try things outside these comfort levels. It hurts and it's confusing and everything gets all mixed up, but after awhile you see that those things that were so wrong are not so wrong anymore. Not that they maybe right but you become more open minded. You become more expecting.

So what or who do you trust. What life experience gives you evidence that there is love in that trust. Because without love there is no understanding. without understanding there is no experience and without experience there is no life.

How are you living? By control and rules or experience and love?