Tuesday, May 1, 2012

You are His Beloved....

Listening to the lie "I'm not good enough" keeps us imprisoned.

This lie is from Satin, and we have 66 books, in the bible, that tell us that we are more than enough. These lies come from deep hurts that we have covered up over and over because of sin.

We go through our life and sometimes we ask, who are we and why are we here? Most people say to glorify the God of the universe, because He sent his son to die on the cross for our sin.

But have you ever thought that you were created just to be loved. You were created to be loved, and because we are loved, we are filled and we want to glorify him and love others and shine, but that's not why we were created. You don't create things and give them a job right away.
God created Adam and Eve and told them to rest first, to soke up him and his love, and once they were rested they could work. GOD JUST WANTS TO LOVE US!

Telling yourself, myself, that "I'm not good enough" is keeping us prideful and keeps a wall up between you and Christ. We will never be enough for other people but we are more than enough for the God of the universe.

Who are you? Who do other people say you are? Who does Christ tell you who you are?

God sent you to where you are. -Isaiah 61:1.
You are the flavor of the earth, you spice things up. -Matt 5:13
You are a light, to brighten up the darkness, for the glory of Christ. You are not dim, you are bright- Matt 5:14
You are God's friend. You are different and attractive.You are wanted -James 2:23
You are God's little child. You will never fall out of grace, ever. -John 1:12
You are God's heir. His princess. You are held to high standards, out of love. -Gal 4:7
You are His chosen people. You are wanted, adore, loved, and cherished. -Col 3:12

You are enough, more than enough. Do not be chained down to the lies from Satin. You don't need to do good works, you just need Him and he will do all the work. He will shine through you, and through this you will only want to glorify him through love, but you do not need to impress him, because you are already enough the way you are. Run into his wide open arms and embrace his huge, his love, his joy.

'I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters,' says the Lord Almighty."
2 Corinthians 6:17-18,
"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"
1 John 3:1