Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Finding hope...

One of my closest friend told me once...
"You are so strong. No, not all the time. But that's okay. Even when you're weak, the strength that it takes to admit that and to fight that battle is incredible. Your life has been far from comfortable and you appreciate all the little things, just like i do..." and of course we always under estimate ourselves and who we impact and what we do on this Earth. But at this point in my life that is all I needed to hear, and it gave me HOPE.

Hope is a word that is used a lot. Sometimes I'm not sure if i fully understand what it means until all I have is hope. I fall. A lot. We all do. But what makes us get back up? It is so much easier to just give up, but why do we consistently want to find for something more? We are scared of death, and we long for pleasure. Getting up for me is what gives me hope. And hope GIVES ME STRENGTH.

"It will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

What makes us strong? Our attitude, our vulnerability, our hope? Guess what? You are allowed to have a bad day, but do not lose your hope.

I think a lot of the time we get caught up in our world and our life and problems that we get numb and get start to lose that hope that has been there the whole time. Suffering sucks we all know that, but how do we show our strength through our suffering?

My dad told me about a year ago, "You see someones true character during the hardest of times." It is completely true, it is so easy to walk around with your head up, shoulders back while things are great, but when things start to get hard do we lose that hope, do we start to sulk in our own pity?

Romans 12:12  Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

So are we really strong, because I am told that day after day and really I think we are hopeful. We hope because we are faithful. Faith in a God that uses the weak to help the strong. 
We are strengthen through His FREEDOM. Freedom from all suffering, but we have to choose His peace. He only wants to free us. We do not have the control but we do have the choice to choose Him, and until we do choose to choose Him we will suffer.

Find your strength IN HIM. Find His hope, His freedom. He will restore you.