Saturday, February 25, 2012


There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.- 1 John 4:18

We go throughout this life wondering and fearing. Why?! Why do we compare ourselves to someone who we will NEVER be? 

All we do is hurt ourselves, pulling ourselves down, and no one else.

We sit in this suffering we create, this self sulking "pain" that we can swim in. 

I was listening to a song just now and the lyrics go like this:

You are my vision, O King of my heart.
Nothing else satisfies, only You, Lord.
You are my best thought by day or by night.
Waking or sleeping, Your presence, my light.

You are my wisdom, You are my true word,
I ever with You, and You with me Lord:
You're my great Father, and I'm Your true son,
You dwell inside me, together we're one.

You are my battle-shield, sword for the fight
You are my dignity, You're my delight
You're my soul's shelter and You're my high tower.
Come, raise me heavenward, O Power of my power.
I don't want riches or man's empty praise:
You're my inheritance, now and always;
You, and You only, the first in my heart:
High King of heaven, my treasure You are.

High King of heaven, when victory's won
May I reach heaven's joy, O bright heaven's Son.
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.
It is called You are My Vision by Rend Collection Experience.
As I was listening I was asking myself why do I feel so insecure if these words 
just soaked my heart. 
We are human. We are on Earth, the world effects us no matter how strong 
we are, but if we are strong IN Christ and THROUGH Christ we will not let the 
world bring us down. 
 Why is it always so hard to listen to 
the love of the God of the universe, 
the God that knows every hair on 
top of your head and thinks of you 
more than the grains of the sand, 
when the people listen to complete 
strangers of how we are not good 
enough, when we are everything to Him. 
So what?! 
"Stop trusting in mere humans, 
 who have but a breath in their nostrils. 
 Why hold them in esteem?" Isaiah 2:22 
He loves you because He loves you, 
He loves you because He loves you, 
He loves you because He loves you, 
He loves you because He loves you, 
He loves you because He loves you, 
He loves you because He loves you, 
Because that's is who He is.
He loves you 100% right now. 
There is nothing you can do to to make Him love you more or less, 
because He loves you RIGHT NOW!! 
Stop please people because it will never fill you up.
This is who YOU are.