Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Real Talk!

I have been working with 15 and 16 year old girls the last two weeks. We have done EVERYTHING together, and I absolutely adore it.

We have grown together, they respect me, they look up to me, they look at me for guidance. They all give me this look like 'You are absolutly ridiculous, but I love it because I can be just as goofy' kind of look. I have challenged them and pushed them physically and mentally, and they are finally see the differences in themselves because of it, so as much as they hate when I say they have 2 minutes to get ready for the next activity they thank me for making them rush so they can get the most out of what ever that next activity is.

Camp is a fun place to be, we all want a place to escape, even the counselors, it is so true. At our camp, we do not allow make-up, electronics, and don't tolerate negativity or bulling. Kids want a break from the drama, the same routine, the stress of different peer pressures, or practices they have to make. They get to literally put it all away. Escape. And everyone else is doing it too, so they are "different", more or less they are the same, and they love it. They literally do not have to worry about waking up an hour early just to get their hair done, instead they get up 15 minutes before and don't even want to shower every night. They are all doing it together and they are okay with it all. Camp gives them this safe place to just let go and goof off and try new crazy adventures that they may never get to take again.

Camp is a place to relax for them, and not take everything so serious. But they still have that crap inside them and it will never go away until they find someone they trust to tell things to. We are not counselors, we are camp counselors that take care of you. But we also are mentors and role models. A 4 year old age gap is a perfect gap. You can still relate to them, you can still have fun and you can give them enough advice that will help them, but not solve it for them, they still need to live their life. We aren't their best friends or someone to catch them but someone to listen and trust.

These girls need someone who they can trust and I won't give up, just because camp is suppose to be only fun and only an escape. They need an escape from all the people who don't care and who wont listen to them.

Camp for me has been about finding the balance between when to be serious and when to be goofy. These girls are at an age where they need someone to talk to, but they also need to escape. After 2 weeks and a camping trip in the middle, you get decently close to these girls. You know what pushes their buttons, they know who to annoy you, you get frustrated, and you laugh until you can't breath.

Tonight I got the chance to sit down and have a real talk with 6 out of 11 of my girls, the others were surfing. We talked about drugs, alcohol, boys, girls, high school drama, what they love about themselves and what they hate but most of all they just needed to know that they weren't the only ones who felt this way or that way. They needed to know that they matter and that everything that society tells them is impossible so stop trying. They just needed to know that it is okay to not want to go party all the time, but just hang out with their best friends. They wanted to know that someone not in their family or friend group could just listen to them, without judging them or telling them they were wrong.


Girls, YOU MATTER. High school is a tough time but you know what we talked about. Write it down and know that it will be okay, and that you are NOT alone. Find the hope. -Love your Mommy ;)