Saturday, March 3, 2012

"To miss"

Defined as:
 1. "to fail to encounter, meet, catch, ect."
 2. "to notice the absence or loss of."

Why do we miss people?

What is it that people bring in our lives that one other people can bring out in us.

My little brother and I hung out 24/7 until I was in 7th grade, and with him my other "little brother" Tanner. It was always us. Tanner died about 4 years ago, and when he did I was destroyed, but I thought it might bring my little brother and I closer and it didn't, nothing was the same after that.

Tanner brought something out of both my brother and I that neither of us could do for each other. People bring different sides out of us. This is not a bad thing, at all. We are all different, made up with millions of personalities.

"Missing someone means, that person makes you feel so good, and so loved, when you miss them you miss that feeling they give you because you feel so full"...a friend wrote this on a paper and is stuck in my bible.

When we are around our closest people the our hearts, the ones that understand us more than we understand ourselves, those are the ones we miss the most...usually. 

I think this is so beyond true. This is also so very true when we start to miss that feeling of fullness, joy, peace, satisfaction, freedom. We feel like something is missing, the Lord waits.

"The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent." -2 Peter 3:9

The star breathing God of the universe is so satisfying that we are contently feeling like we are missing someone, because we miss that feeling that he gives us. That warm heart, pure smile, and feeling of standing on top of the world, we are contently missing it.

"How precious are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand" - Psalms139:17

He misses us to, He wants more of us just as much as We want Him. The we need Him, He doesn't need us, but He still wants us. He gets that satisfaction of holding his child in his arms.


When we don't have the Lord in this holey heart we try and cover these holes up with Earthly things, but it will never be big enough to fill and never be small enough to fit. The Lord is the only one that can fill these holes, drinking, people, sex, drugs, addictions, control will NEVER fill the holes.

Stop trying to fill these holes and let God just heal you. Miss him, long for him, need him, because He misses you, longs for you and wants you.