Thursday, February 9, 2012

What really matters?

To really live you have to learn to die. 

Sitting in all four of my sociology classes, I have recently been sitting there and thinking to myself why does any of this matter?Why does it matter that we are stuck in this bureaucratic control system. I think it does matter because we are human and we are on Earth and God has created us to love. But if that's all we need to do then why do we get caught up in all the drama and statuses we could/should/would have and playing the if/then games?!

I sit there and ask myself, what the hell am I suppose to do about all these problems? I am only one person, I am so small to this world, but in our own heads we are so big, so important. Who we are big and important to is number one God, and two the people we touch that are in our world.

So we are given a choice to do something in this world of ours, to LOVE or to FEAR, and ultimately I think everything comes down to love and fear. If we choose to fear we will get caught up in life and all the Earthly things that happen, but what do you think would happen if more people chose to choose love, we all know that everyone can't choose love but what if you loved someone and that changed their life. What if all it took was a phone call to your older brother to see how he is doing, or to call your grandma on one of your good days and not your bad days, or to not rush the cash register, or to write your best friend a letter telling them what they mean to you. What if the world did this more instead of living in fear?

One of the hardest things for humans to understand is the sentence "Jesus loves you". You may say to your self that is so easy to understand but do you really get what that is saying? Who is Jesus, He is not here physically, do you really trust him with every thing you have? Love, what the hell is that, we say it all the time and we say it with and with out meaning, we say it to strangers, we say it in a rush, we say it all the time, but do we even know what love is, probably not, so how the heck would we even come to understand what agape (compassionate/SELFLESS love) means. Last but not least who the heck is you? Who are you? Who are you in your friends eyes compared to your professors eyes, who are you to the people standing behind you in the line in target, who are you , who were you and who do you want to be?

These three words are said so much but it is so unbelievable hard for us to understand what each one of those words mean. This is why faith is such a beautiful thing, and so when we get caught up in what the world says we need to do...go to school, get a good job, make babies, buy stuff...lots of stuff, party and have a million and one friends who don't know your name, and behave, WHY DOES IT MATTER when we are talking about the love, selfless love that the God of the universe has for yourself?

You are loved.

Jeremiah 31:3 
The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying:
"I have loved you with an everlasting love;
 I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."