Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Satin's playground....

Every single day we wake up on Satin's play ground. We get beat up, we hid, we scream and sometimes we have to learn to run faster than him when we are most tired.

I feel like right now a lot of us are DISTRACTED, and caught up in life and lies and fears, and we need to take the time to take a deep breath and collect our thoughts.

We get caught up in school, work, organizations, or hobbies and we forget why we are doing them. We are we going to school, why do you work where you work, are your hobbies really still making you happy?

This distraction is what Satin wants us to be in, there is where he can attack us the most. When we are not looking he will throw a punch and hits us HARD. We don't know why we cant get up because we keep going and going until you get to a point where you want to run away. You need a VACATION, you need a worship night, you need just a day with your family and no errands or running around to sports or activities. This is where we get tired and Satin can catch us and hit us, hard.

Satin is like the biggest BULLY on the play ground just waiting for you to fall or get distracted. We so lost in all the things we need to do, all the stress of every day, but if you think about it...


Why do we stress out about the future and about what people think of us, because we are on Satin's playground and that's right where he wants us to be. DO NOT GET DISTRACTED.

Keep you eyes on that cross, keep your ears to the Father whispers, keep your mouth in truth, keep your mind clean and fresh, keep your heart free and at peace. Be IN TUNE with the star breathing God, that thinks about you more than the gains of sand.

Get up! Take a deep breath! Shake off the dirt! and HIT SATIN BACK.

My god is way bigger than this little playground and is way stronger than any bully on this Earth.

It is going to be okay, and if it is not okay, it is not the end.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.- 1 John 4:18

We go throughout this life wondering and fearing. Why?! Why do we compare ourselves to someone who we will NEVER be? 

All we do is hurt ourselves, pulling ourselves down, and no one else.

We sit in this suffering we create, this self sulking "pain" that we can swim in. 

I was listening to a song just now and the lyrics go like this:

You are my vision, O King of my heart.
Nothing else satisfies, only You, Lord.
You are my best thought by day or by night.
Waking or sleeping, Your presence, my light.

You are my wisdom, You are my true word,
I ever with You, and You with me Lord:
You're my great Father, and I'm Your true son,
You dwell inside me, together we're one.

You are my battle-shield, sword for the fight
You are my dignity, You're my delight
You're my soul's shelter and You're my high tower.
Come, raise me heavenward, O Power of my power.
I don't want riches or man's empty praise:
You're my inheritance, now and always;
You, and You only, the first in my heart:
High King of heaven, my treasure You are.

High King of heaven, when victory's won
May I reach heaven's joy, O bright heaven's Son.
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.
It is called You are My Vision by Rend Collection Experience.
As I was listening I was asking myself why do I feel so insecure if these words 
just soaked my heart. 
We are human. We are on Earth, the world effects us no matter how strong 
we are, but if we are strong IN Christ and THROUGH Christ we will not let the 
world bring us down. 
 Why is it always so hard to listen to 
the love of the God of the universe, 
the God that knows every hair on 
top of your head and thinks of you 
more than the grains of the sand, 
when the people listen to complete 
strangers of how we are not good 
enough, when we are everything to Him. 
So what?! 
"Stop trusting in mere humans, 
 who have but a breath in their nostrils. 
 Why hold them in esteem?" Isaiah 2:22 
He loves you because He loves you, 
He loves you because He loves you, 
He loves you because He loves you, 
He loves you because He loves you, 
He loves you because He loves you, 
He loves you because He loves you, 
Because that's is who He is.
He loves you 100% right now. 
There is nothing you can do to to make Him love you more or less, 
because He loves you RIGHT NOW!! 
Stop please people because it will never fill you up.
This is who YOU are. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Taking control...

The world gives us a lot of pressure to figure out our lives, and with that we sometimes get lost what the world is telling us and what we want to do.

Most of the time with this pressure we forget that it is okay to be selfish in a healthy way, in the sense of doing what you want to do for you and God, not for your parents or to make the most money or what makes you look smart, but truly what you want to do it your life.

We say things like "I guess", "I don't know", "maybe", "sort of" "kind of" these words do not show any kind of security in ourselves and give other people the control, and some people may take advantage of that.

Saying these things makes us vulnerable, and it gives the other person or people the opportunity to pursue you in a way that you usually don't want to do.

We get hurt by saying these things. We need control of our life, and if we don't we get walked on, we get into situations that put our heart in a bad spot, or just in a place where we can get hurt.

Do what you want to do, because no matter what God is in ultimate control which means that no matter what He is going to make anything and every work if it is of Him. He will take open and close doors and if we are scared of doing what we want to do, we will miss those open doors. Take control of your life and stand strong in what you believe in, because God is there with you.

I am not encouraging you to go out hurt people by being selfish, and not caring what you are doing. Don't walk on people, don't take advantage of your words and your actions because they can get you in some dark places.

YOU ARE YOU, everyone else is taken, SO BE YOU.

Don't give other people that control and the advantage of making decisions for you, you may get hurt.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What really matters?

To really live you have to learn to die. 

Sitting in all four of my sociology classes, I have recently been sitting there and thinking to myself why does any of this matter?Why does it matter that we are stuck in this bureaucratic control system. I think it does matter because we are human and we are on Earth and God has created us to love. But if that's all we need to do then why do we get caught up in all the drama and statuses we could/should/would have and playing the if/then games?!

I sit there and ask myself, what the hell am I suppose to do about all these problems? I am only one person, I am so small to this world, but in our own heads we are so big, so important. Who we are big and important to is number one God, and two the people we touch that are in our world.

So we are given a choice to do something in this world of ours, to LOVE or to FEAR, and ultimately I think everything comes down to love and fear. If we choose to fear we will get caught up in life and all the Earthly things that happen, but what do you think would happen if more people chose to choose love, we all know that everyone can't choose love but what if you loved someone and that changed their life. What if all it took was a phone call to your older brother to see how he is doing, or to call your grandma on one of your good days and not your bad days, or to not rush the cash register, or to write your best friend a letter telling them what they mean to you. What if the world did this more instead of living in fear?

One of the hardest things for humans to understand is the sentence "Jesus loves you". You may say to your self that is so easy to understand but do you really get what that is saying? Who is Jesus, He is not here physically, do you really trust him with every thing you have? Love, what the hell is that, we say it all the time and we say it with and with out meaning, we say it to strangers, we say it in a rush, we say it all the time, but do we even know what love is, probably not, so how the heck would we even come to understand what agape (compassionate/SELFLESS love) means. Last but not least who the heck is you? Who are you? Who are you in your friends eyes compared to your professors eyes, who are you to the people standing behind you in the line in target, who are you , who were you and who do you want to be?

These three words are said so much but it is so unbelievable hard for us to understand what each one of those words mean. This is why faith is such a beautiful thing, and so when we get caught up in what the world says we need to do...go to school, get a good job, make babies, buy stuff...lots of stuff, party and have a million and one friends who don't know your name, and behave, WHY DOES IT MATTER when we are talking about the love, selfless love that the God of the universe has for yourself?

You are loved.

Jeremiah 31:3 
The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying:
"I have loved you with an everlasting love;
 I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."

Friday, February 3, 2012

Is this your mission?

On Earth sometimes we feel as though we may no fit in, or what we are doing is not where we feel like we are suppose to be. So we ask our self is this my MISSION?

I really enjoy seeing life as seasons, and during these seasons we tend to grow and fall and get back up again and again. We fall 7 times and get back up 8. We listen to lies and feel trapped or we rejoice with happiness. With this idea of season you ask how the heck does this do with missions.

As season change, I think sometimes our position in our mission changes. We are all called to different things, different people, and different areas, but our mission as a whole remains the same: TO LOVE.

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' -Matthew 22:37-39 

I am evolved in a ministry called Young Life. Young Life (YL) is a ministry that is an outreach for high school students who are lost. We meet them were they are, just like Jesus does. YL has lots of different parts to it now, where we reach out to college students, middle school students, single mothers, military families, kids with disabilities, and internationally. It is a very large ministry, but GOD IS so so much BIGGER. 

I think sometimes we are called to a ministry but get caught up in the titles of things or the Earthly drama and all the muck that gets us stuck and we forget what the core of the ministry is. 

It doesn't matter where, who, how, or why we are called to what God wants us to be doing, we must be doing it ALL WITH LOVE. Love that is selfless.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
-1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

What's your mission?